

What is Baidu?

Baidu is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services. It is one of the largest AI and internet companies globally, offering a wide range of products and services.

What services does Baidu provide?

Baidu provides a variety of services, including a search engine, online community, cloud storage, online mapping, and AI-based solutions. Its search engine dominates the Chinese market, handling billions of search queries daily.

How does Baidu differ from other search engines?

Baidu has customized its search engine to cater specifically to the Chinese market, offering features such as the ability to search for Chinese-language websites, news, images, videos, and more. It also focuses on providing localized services and products tailored to the needs of Chinese users.

What innovations has Baidu made in AI?

Baidu has made significant advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. It has developed AI-based technologies for speech recognition, natural language processing, image recognition, and robotics, among others. Baidu's AI-powered virtual assistant, DuerOS, has gained popularity in China.

Is Baidu only available in China?

While Baidu primarily operates in China, its services and products are accessible globally. Baidu offers an international version of its search engine, allowing users outside of China to search for Chinese websites and information.

Why should I choose Baidu?

Baidu offers a comprehensive range of services and products tailored to the needs of Chinese users. Its AI capabilities, user-friendly interface, and localization efforts make it a popular choice in China. Additionally, Baidu's continuous innovations in AI have positioned it as a leader in the field.

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